“The Simple Truth” (Blog)
February 14, 2021

Question: Isn’t what this new presidential administration is doing in regards to ignoring and going against our Constitution illegal?

Answer: Yes, of course it is, but a majority of Americans don’t even care, and just like foolish ignorant sheep they will never do anything about it, and because of most Americans not even caring they have now allowed these kind of liberal, socialist, globalist, and godless people into the highest office of our land!

And now this administration is not only circumventing our Constitution but they are not even abiding by it to say the least, but even worse than that, they are now actually trying to abolish it completely, and since they are now holding onto power over America and now since they have gained control of all 3 facets of our representation, the House, the Senate and the Presidency, then without any resistance from Real True American Patriots, they can pretty much do whatever they want, including re-write history and/or either change or do away with our Constitution completely, which is and always has been, all part of their master plan to destroy America, the American Dream and our American way of life, from the beginning!

As True Believing, Repentful Christians we should all be praying and asking God;... Why is He allowing this to even happen? And we should also be asking Him whether or not this is His Will for America, and if Judgment for America is Gods Will for America, then we should be preparing for much worse evil to come, and we should be warning and sharing Gods Truth with as many people as we can about why this is happening to America while we still can,!

Even more importantly we should be preparing and getting both our spiritual house as well as our physical house in order, because if America is under Gods Judgment, then the worst is still yet to come!

Question: But why would God allow Judgment upon America? We are one of the few nations on the planet, if not the only country that was founded upon God and Judeo/Christian Principles!

Answer: It’s this simple! America no longer believes in God anymore!

Americans do not thankfully, sincerely or humbly repent of their sins daily unto God anymore!

America is all about greed, selfishness, pride, war and murder and spreads these sinful abominations out across the world like it’s an American commodity!

Americans support, condone and fund abortion, homosexuality, bestialities, transgenderism, pornography, promiscuity, and pedophilia, which are all things that God also considers very sinful Abominations in His Eyes and God doesn’t Bless and Protect anyone or any nation who practices and allows these evils to spread throughout their nation, especially in the name of laws passed to promote and to protect this kind of political correctness!

Therefore America is no longer under Gods Protection, nor does America receive Gods Blessings as One Nation Under God, or In God We Trust, or in God Bless America any longer, so evil, which, never takes a day off by the way, is now allowed by God, to charge across America at full speed ahead!

Because without a majority of Americans in this country actually Praying for Gods Blessings and for His Protections, which are Prayers that are no longer being Prayed any longer, due to a vast majority of Real True Christian Americans having either passed away, or they no longer even believe in The Truth of God anymore, because of these two facts alone, America no longer has Gods Blessings and Protection over them as a nation!

However, through Sincere Thankful Belief in The Truth of God and through Humble Repentance unto Jesus Christ we can still be Blessed and Protected by God as individuals, but as a nation, we are no longer Blessed and Protected by God anymore, all because America has chosen to turn its back on God and on Gods Truth Jesus Christ;... and instead Americans have chosen to Believe in strong delusion, apostasy and the lies of the devil instead!

And because of this fact, Americans are now relying upon their own way as a way unto their own salvation, instead of choosing to Believe in Gods Truth, and instead of choosing The Only Way unto Eternal Spiritual Salvation through Jesus Christ, which as all True Christians know;... that to reject The Truth and Salvation of Jesus Christ is only a sure way unto both physical and spiritual destruction and eternal death, forever and ever!

#godsjudgment #tribulation #beginningofsorrows #birthpangs #birthpains #markofthebeast #falseprophet #antichrist #antivirus #vaccine
#financialcollapse #crashoftheamericandollar #civilwar #ww3 #wwIII #wwlll #repent #repentance #jesus #jesuschrist #revelation

The Simple Truth February 9, 2020 “The Truth and Facts Versus The Daily Lies From The Government and From The Mainstream Media Propaganda!” Ok, America what is already happening in Canada and in New Zealand and now in Australia is on its way to all of us here in America, especially now that the liberal globalist socialist Biden has fraudulently stolen the Presidential election! I haven’t had time to do any real research on Australia as of yet, but I will after watching the video link posted below, same as I have already done for America, Canada and New Zealand, which all have also recently been taken over by liberal left wing socialist globalist governments! The liberal socialist globalist owned Canadian government is owned by China and the World Health Organization same as the Biden administration so they will never provide true facts or statistics, only more lies and propaganda same as the American Government and the Mainstream Media does! As far as Canada is concerned;... Obviously the Interior Minister of Ontario, just like Trudeau and Biden is a puppet for China, The World Health Organization, The Center For Disease Control, The Pharmaceutical Industry and the liberal left wing social globalist order!
The Rona virus is no worse than a bad version of the flu, and just like a bad flu, only those with weak immune systems such as; elderly folk, smokers, alcoholics, drug addicts etc;... and all those whom already have pre-conditioned ailments such as; asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cancer, leukemia, etc;... are susceptible to even contracting it! The Center of Disease Control estimated that the burden of the influenza illness during the Fall 2018 /Spring 2019 season alone included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, with 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness. This amounted to 490,600 hospitalizations, and around 34,200 deaths just from influenza; yet the economy of America and the world was never shut down, nor were governmental xenophobic actions taken across the world to force people and small businesses and schools and universities into quarantine lock downs or force people to wear masks daily! And although the Fall 2018 / 2019 Spring Influenza season was far worse than the supposed Rona virus plandemic of 2020, as well as every previous year before 2020, the world was never quarantined locked down and the people were never forced to wear masks or be tested for the flu or forced to take a flu vaccine! And just like the regular yearly flu, these so-called expert scientists do not even have any real answers to simple questions about the Rona virus or about if the Rona antivirus will even work to eradicate the Rona virus and its mutations, or if the Rona anti virus vaccine will even keep the Rona virus from spreading throughout the world in the first place! The Rona virus testing has been rushed and is not even accurate at all and so far has consisted of millions of false positives and false negatives! So people who did not even have the Rona virus were told by these tests that the had it and people who may or may not of even had it were tested and told they didn’t have it! Therefore all of the numbers related to the supposed testing of the Rona virus are misconstrued and inaccurate and/or are most likely just outright lies by the Rona virus task force which is made up of shady compromised new world global order liberal left wing socialist doctors, organizations, enemy nations and self made billionaires bent on human depopulation, such as Bill Gates, Dr, Fauci, Dr. Birx, the World Health Organization and China! So the words and research of these shady individuals, countries and organizations to say the least are not trustworthy at all and are all compromised! Americans during every presidential election are also lied to by the mainstream media propaganda and by the government that they only have two choices to choose from and to vote for, especially in the 2020 Presidential Election, when in fact their were hundreds of Presidential candidates to choose from! Americans were told the lie that a patriotic American man who was trying to make America a great economic sovereign nationalistic patriotic nation, a man who brought a 13 Trillion dollar economy to America and who created millions of middle class jobs and who was a President for the poor, the blue collar worker and for small businesses all across America, which has always been known as the back bone of America and who have always been the people who actually set America apart from every other nation on the planet and who have always made America the great economic nation that it has always been! They were told and are still being told that this American Patriotic Businessman is a racist, a fascist and a insurrectionist, when in fact this is exactly what those who are making these accusations have been doing and are still doing all along! And now these very same people are trying to cover their tracks and are now trying leave no chance of the truth ever coming out, by once again trying to impeach a man who is no longer even President of The Divided States, all because they are all in fear that if they do not impeach him now, that he may come back in four years to run against them again and that he might just become President of The Divided States again and undo their plan to weaken and destroy America from within, therefore they feel they have no choice but to try to discontinue Presidents Trumps plan of draining the swamp, and with his plan of making America a great economic super power once again! Which of course is a direct affront to these new world order liberal socialist globalists who are against sovereign nationalistic economic super powers, because when economic super powers like America exist, these kind of independent nations keep their new world global liberal left wing socialist order from coming into fruition and from taking over the world! The point of this post is to ask yourself? Do you even care about The Truth? Do you even care about The Facts? Do you even care that you are being lied too, daily by corrupt evil people and a wicked government in whom you are supposed to Trust in? A government who you voted for to protect you, your country and your children? And Do you even know the difference between The Truth and the many lies that are out there leading America and Americans down onto a road to certain ruin? Because if you are one of the many millions of Americans, New Zealanders, Canadians and Australians who are blindly following this liberal leftwing socialist global one world order agenda takeover, then you are the cause of you own countries downfall into globalism and of your own sorrows as well! And if you are guilty of all of these sins, then you are part of the disease, and not part of the cure for America and for the world! And if you can’t see the error of your ways, or Understand and Believe in The Truth and see The Facts for yourself that are staring at you right in your face, then you are under the spell of the spirit of strong delusion spoken of in the Holy Bible in 2 Thessalonians 2:11! Yes you are under the spell of the spirit of apostasy that God says will be alive and well during The End Times Tribulation, where hundreds of millions of people will blindly follow and believe in a lie rather than in The Truth, all because it seems to them and to their own will that this is the right thing to do, even though it goes against Gods Will and causes them all to end up in an eternity in hell because of their own ignorance and foolishness instead of choosing Gods Will and spending an eternity with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven forever and ever! If you are one of these people and if you are reading this post then consider yourself warned, then go Humble yourself unto God, and Believe on The Lord God Jesus Christ and Repent unto Him and your immortal spiritual soul shall be saved! If you don’t; then good luck with that; because there is no other way into The Eternal Kingdom of Heaven before you physically die! (This has been The Simple Truth.) https://www.facebook.com/rdansw/videos/437362887384499/?vh=e&extid=0 https://www.facebook.com/100658755398487/posts/101703361960693/?vh=e https://www.facebook.com/100000148391260/posts/4774148679266698/?

Jon Stokes February 8, 2021 "Assembling The Prophetic Pieces" Transcript: Human beings have always craved power above and beyond all else, and the most depraved minds will do anything they can to obtain it. A worldwide plague creates enormous opportunity for the wealthiest people in the world to commandeer global power, and COVID-19 has been the horse pulling that cart. The initial strain of COVID has not been that dangerous, as most people have become aware, but it’s on the brink of serving its intended purpose, namely to bankrupt every economy around the world so the super-rich can create a one-world government. The convergence of a plague, a political quagmire, super-advanced technology (Neuralink, SpaceX, 5G, augmented reality, to name a few), and many other factors have all contributed to a perfect storm that’s on the precipice of being fully exploited. The reason for the lockdowns and excessive regulations is to wipe out the middle class in order to create the necessary conditions. People must come to grips with the reality of the evil that is at work both in America and around the world. The people puppeting all of this — most of whom are part of the World Economic Forum — do not care about the well-being of others, but only their personal quest for global power, and this is not a conspiracy theory; it’s part of a masterminded agenda that’s been in the works for many years, and technology has finally caught up with the plan and expedited its fulfillment. First, on the subject of COVID, of the current 340,000 deaths reported in America, only 42,000 have been persons under the age of 65; and 40,000 of those 42,000 were patients battling other severe upper-respiratory illnesses. Additionally, in November 2020, Johns Hopkins University published a now-deleted article examining the effects of COVID on death totals in the United States, using CDC data to support the study. The study compared the total deaths in each age category from before and after the onset of the pandemic, using data from each year between 2010 – 2020. Their findings revealed that the total deaths in each age category was nearly the same in 2020 as it was in each of the other ten years. Hospitals are paid a healthy sum by Medicare, pharmaceutical companies, and other entities for every death they cite as COVID (for undisclosed reasons) which is why the totals are roughly the same. If someone dies of asthma, pneumonia, influenza, or simply old age, they’ll say COVID caused it. But it’s no deadlier than the flu. Furthermore, when the media shrieks “new cases!” it doesn’t mean new infections. A “case” is simply someone who’s been tested, and the tests are highly inaccurate. Almost everything the media has purported since the onset of the plandemic is a lie, even among outlets once possessing some measure of journalistic integrity. I just wanted to provide the facts as a means of reducing anxiety in those who may not be aware. Below I’ve listed the imminent events to pray over and to prepare for. I don’t know the order in which they’ll transpire, only that all of this will soon eventually come to pass. I haven’t written any of this to incite fear in people; I’ve written it because there will be tremendous loss of life in the months that lie ahead, and God is still giving people a chance to repent and call upon His name to deliver them from the far greater fear of being eternally separated from Him. The calamities will begin to fall just before Easter this year in 2021, and my hope is that Christians reading this will pray as much as possible, especially for those in the specific regions God has revealed. Also remember these vaccines may have received Emergency Use Authorization but none of them were ever approved by any regulatory agencies, such as the FDA, etc;... or any other regulatory agency. This is because they use a form of biotechnology that’s never been tested before called messenger RNA. Traditional vaccines are comprised of small doses of a disease-causing organism that are introduced into the body to both provoke and strengthen your immune system’s response to a virus. MRNA vaccines are entirely different in that they override your immune system’s natural response to a virus by rewiring it; MRNA doesn’t strengthen the cells in your body, it weakens and rewrites them using medicinal artificial intelligence, a.k.a. biotechnology. This alone should be cause to reject the idea of this vaccine altogether. Moderna vaccinated 196 participants — representing the world’s population — and reported 11 COVID cases following vaccination, giving themselves a 94% effectiveness rate. However, if you read the fine print, 92 participants actually contracted COVID between the first and second shots, so they were removed from the study. That means you have a 50% — not 6% — chance of contracting COVID from the vaccine itself, in addition to many common — again, common — side effects, such as Bell’s Palsy, cardiac arrest, anaphylaxis, and death (listed as a “severe adverse effect”). Pfizer’s 94 participants had almost identical results. You can read statements from Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Vice President at Pfizer, for more information on the company’s ethical practices. His twitter alias is Yardley Yeadon and his message is clear: do not take the vaccine; your immune system is more than capable of fighting off the virus quickly and more effectively. This is a massive scandal, and the new government — which is now a totalitarian technocracy — will only continue augmenting the lie. You’ll continue to see an increase in fear-mongering and never-ending reports by this government owned mainstream media sources contsantly lying of “new outbreaks” and “new spikes” because the vaccine itselfhas mutated and is causing more cases and more deaths daily, however none of this is true. Concerning the celebrities and politicians who’ve recently received the shot with all the world watching, they do it to assuage your suspicions so you don’t look into the fine print. Companies do it all the time. They earn your trust by attaching their product’s safety to a celebrity’s endorsement of it. However none of whom you saw in the vaccination photo ops were actually vaccinated; they just faked it for the cameras because they were told to do so, they simply had too much to lose by not going along with it. Remember integrity rarely gets anyone to the top. Finally, consider what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been doing (Gates has played a large part in both the manufacturing and funding of the vaccine) — together with China and with the World Health Organization — what they did in Africa and India in the 2000’s, the aftermath in the women and children they experimented on with similar vaccines;... many of these people either died or developed severe health problems and few of the women could subsequently no longer conceive children. In the end more people died from the vaccine the those whom were sick in the first place. However it was plain to see that the intent of this vaccination program was population control all along and not public health safety, and we’re seeing the same thing now unfolding on a global scale. Please take the time to consider the reality of what is really at stake here and why these people are so desperate to stick a needle into your body, especially when COVID poses so little threat to your health. It is merely just a weapon that corrupt people are using to enslave the entire world or worse to kill people with and they will only continue to exploit it as mcuh as the world allows them to. As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton always say, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” In any event, just in case you have already received the vaccine, take heart; God can easily reverse the effects if you Truly and Sincerely and Humbly seek Him out for help, Believe on Him and Repent and you will be saved. #1. Vaccinations will soon be required in order to live most of your life, so as to include air travel, school attendance, keeping your job, crossing state lines, leaving your home at certain hours, etc., and many efforts to mandate it will only intensify from here on. I would strongly caution against taking the vaccine, though, and if I were you I would think through ways to circumvent the vaccine conundrum, for the number of reasons that I just mentioned above. #2. The stock market will soon collapse and cause the greatest global finacial economic downfall in history. The S&P 500 will drop 70% and the Baltic Dry Index will flatline, as trade around the world largely ceases. #3. The biggest earthquake in world history will strike under the central point faultlines and tectonic plates of the Great Lakes and trigger two other major earthquakes; one will be in southern California and register 11.0 on the richter scale. The first earthquake will physically divide the nation at the border of Kentucky and Indiana, and everyone on earth will feel it. A nationwide blackout will occur at that same time. #4. A asteroid will hit the Gulf of Mexico area, triggering a tsunami that floods all bordering cities and states and the entire state of Florida. New York City will also be struck by much of the trailing meteorite debris, reducing all five boroughs to ashes. Washington D.C. will also be devastated. #5. There will also be a severe disruption in food supply chains and distribution and this will trigger a nationwide famine and drought. I’d stock as much food, water, and medicine as possible while there’s still time. #6. The violence and chaos emanating from the disasters and from the imminent governmental collapse will create a climate of chaos, rage and survival, and many will take up arms against each other. #7. The Russians and Chinese will invade America and with the help of whats left of our liberal leftwing democratic socialist globalist government and under the guise of U.N. support, they will commandeer control of the nation. Military Personnel, Humvees, Transport Vehicles, Helicopters and Airplanes will fill the streets and the skies. #8. Barak Obama is currently waiting in the wings, but he will soon find his way back onto the world stage to address both America and the world at large; his return will be catalyzed in part by dire changes in weather patterns, such as the world has never seen before. He’ll propose solutions to the new problems that the world will be facing, and many will naively be drawn in by the sense of false hope that he will seem to provide; but I would plead with you not to buy into his new mark of the beast global socialist system that he and others will present to America and then to the world in the not-too-distant future. #9. Due to these calamities many people will turn back to gos and once again Believe in Him and Repent of their sins and because of this fact, America and the world will soon witness the greatest Spiritual Revival in history. And although many will physically die, many spiritual soul will also be saved right before they die. True Christians in America will even form an underground church and possess the same spiritual power as the early church had during the time of Jesus' first visit over 2000 years ago, and the body of the Church of Christ will finally return to The True Spiritual Condition that Jesus has always intended for it. Millions of people will escape the antichrist, the false prophet and satan’s grip and embrace Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in what may be His final offer of salvation to them and to the world before they physcially die. Thousands of years ago, the Bible predicted that all of these things would happen within the same narrow time frame. And that once these sorrows begin they will not stop or let up until The Second Return to Earth of The Lord God Jesus Christ. All of these events are recorded in the Holy Bible in the books of Matthew 24:4-31, Luke 21:10-28, Revelation 6, 8:7-9, 17, 18, Zechariah 4-6, Habakkuk 3, Hosea 10, Joel 2:28-32, and Isaiah 13, 24, among other texts. America, God is alerting the world right now to His Imminent Return! While people still have time to Believe and Repent. God is longsuffering but He can only let arrogance, evil, and corruption go on for so long before He has to intervenes, and I believe humanity has long since crossed the line with God, particularly in America. For this is God’s world; and only He and He alone is the supreme Ruler of it all;... and only He holds absolute power over the affairs of humanity and none or nothing else does. Even a superficial glance through biblical scripture will quickly convence one of the reality that Gods Mercies and Gods Judgments are equally evident in the Bible, same as His Blessings and He often brings His Mercy through His Divine Judgment! And because all of us are inherently stubborn;... God is nonetheless patient and loving toward the human race and wants to save people from the consequences of their own sin, if only they’d admit their desperate need for His Mercy and choose to live by His Rules their Spiritual Souls can be saved. Soon enough The Lord’s Presence and His Power will be known throughout the world, and I pray that those who still do not Believe in Him will hopefully come to Believe in Him when all of these things begin to take place, whiich is the only reason why they must happen. For Jesus Christ is the only way unto Heaven, and there is no other name under Heaven by which you can be saved. Therefore I would urge anyone who’s never placed their Faith and Trust in Him, for the forgiveness of their sins, to do so now, as many lives will be lost in the days ahead. Acknowledge before God that you’re a sinner, because you cannot save yourself, and everyone nees Jesus to come into their life, to have mercy on them so they can be forgiven of all of their sins and recieve Eternal Spiritual Life. Pray that God will enable you to Repent and turn away from all sin and transform your life with His Mercy and Grace. Ask God for understanding in this and He will hear you, He will help you, and He will save you. Remember The God of the Universe sacrificed His Own Life for yours, to save you from an eternal death in hell and tp give your Spiritual Soul Eternal Spiritual Life in Heaven, forever and ever;... and I plead with you now to accept His free offer of Spirutal Salvation while you still have time. For everyone who believes in Him, they will receive forgiveness of their sins through His Name, and there’s immense Spiritual Freedom and Peace of Mind and Understanding and Clarity in the New Spiritual Life that Jesus Christ offers unto all of those who Believe in Him and Repent of their sins and who begin to Trust in Him. To those reading this who already claim Jesus as Lord: persecution is coming, and religious freedom will soon be at an end in America; fighting the government will prove fruitless and invariably backfire on all christians who try. Persecution will come in the same forms it came unto every nation throughout history: mocking and insults, physical violence, gross taxation, prison time, and ultimately martyrdom for some. Jesus spoke very plainly about this and told us what to expect as we approach His Second Coming. His disciples as well as millions of others throughout history followed their Savior all the way to the end, and it cost many of them their jobs, their reputations, their families, their freedoms, and their lives. The church in America needs to wake up and consider the events unfolding all around the world and the times that we are currently living in. Many who have sat in churches all their lives need to ask themselves where Jesus truly fits in on their list of priorities in life because time is running very short. The gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to Eternal Life, but the road unto destruction and death is wide and paved with gold and excess. Yet it will only be through many trials and tribulations that we must enter The Kingdom of Heaven; for both Sacrifice and Repentance are required in the life of every True Christian. And these realities are writen everywhere throughout scripture, and the Holy Bible is very clear that Jesus “became the source of Eternal Spiritual Salvation unto all of those who obey Him and whom follow His Word” (Hebrews 5:9). Jesus paid the ultimate price for everyone who follows Him and He gives us the Greatest Hope that any of us could ever imagine, namely living forever with Him in Heaven. Which is why we are thereby called to obey His commandments out of our own Freewill and out of our love for Him. America, the world is entering into the darkest days it has ever known, andsoon True Christians will be the only source of light, love and hope unto the people of the world around them. And God will be Faithful during these coming times, and He will never leave us or forsake His People in their hour of need. He has everything under control and we can all rest assured in His promise: “So do not fear, for I Am (God Is), with you; and do not be dismayed, for I Am your God. I will strengthen you and I will help you; and I will uphold you with My Righteous Right Hand” (Isaiah 41:10). For I AM (God Is), Jesus Christ, Lord over all of the universe and My Power exceeds beyond all comparison, to that of humanity. For Jesus Christ is the Lord of all lords and the King of all kings, and He loves His People, and death will never hold them down. For this life is but a vapor, but a wisp of smoke and then it is gone, so let all who are Truly in Christ forget what lies behind and strive forward to what lies ahead: a New Home in Eternal Heaven, where True Spiritual Life Truly Begins. America, this is the last generation the world will ever know, and all of us will soon stand before God to give an account for what we did with our lives. All so-called people and all so-called christians will stand alongside the millions of those who have already gone before us and be judged for all of our transgressions, some unto eternal death and destruction and some unto everlasting Spiritual Life, never again to experience any pain, sorrow, war, or injustice, but only peace, love and joy. The present sufferings of what remains in this life cannot be compared to the Eternal Redemption that lies just ahead for us through what God did through Jesus Christ upon The Cross at calvary, who is our Lord and Savior , and that should be the greatest news any True Christian could ever hear or imagine. I pray the Lord sheds His Great Love and All of His Mercies upon all of you. Jon Stokes Author of The Recently Published Book: Anchored: The Christian’s Field Manual https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JQH2KKV/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B08JQH2KKV&linkCode=as2&tag=prep4surv-20&linkId=ce13f312c583641b853e326167011303