The Simple Truth Of Jesus
December 12, 2020


"Is President Trump a True Christian? Is he like King Cyrus in the Bible? Is he good for Israel? Is he good for America"?


"President Trump is a True American Patriot, a great businessman and therefore he is good for the American Economy (Mammon). He is also a good friend to Israel, however, President Trump is not a True Christian therefore he is not good for America or Israel! So just like King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (Not King Cyrus of Persia), God is using President Trump to divide both Israel and America, which is is exactly what has been happening this year. For this has been a year of separation indeed. (As half of America hates President Trump right now, as well as half of the Israelis also hate both President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu's Middle East Business Peace Plan as well right now!)

Why? Because both nations are under Gods Judgment for disbelief in Gods Truth (Jesus Christ), and for un-repentance of their many sins! Sins such as funding hundreds of millions of dollars to homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, beastiality, pornography, human trafficking, child slavery, child abuse, selfishness, pride, lust, godlessness, worship of mammon, abortion, murder and war, all in the name of apostate judeo christianity which are all sinful abominations unto God, and these sins bring only Gods Judgment, not Blessings or Protection;..... so America is pretty much screwed right now and not blessed, and so is Israel, especially if you read in the Holy Bible to what happened to Babylon and to King Nebuchadnezzar for their pride, arrogance, disbelief and un-repentance.  😟 

 It seems to me that the False Prophet, the Antichrist and the New One World Global Order Mark of The Beast Antivirus Vaccine is what is coming next;.... and it actually seems like they are already waiting in the wings to take their place upon the world's stage;... and what we are seeing right now is only "The Eye of the Storm" as 2020's misery continues on into 2021. (Can someone say;... "Get ready For The 7 Year Tribulation?") Because if anyone is truly listening they should actually be able to hear the hoofbeats of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse already riding from the Spiritual Realm into our physical realm!) 🤔

True Believer's must Prepare for what is coming by Continuing to Believe in The Truth of Jesus Christ and we must continue to ask Jesus to Fill us with His Holy Spirit of Truth! We must also continue to Repent of all of our past, present and future sins daily, as well as continue to share this Truth with everyone who will listen! This is pretty much all that we can do right now! For it is only Belief, Unwavering Faith and Daily Repentance through Prayer Without Ceasing that should be our weapons of choice for the spiritual battle that we are currently in, because these are the only weapons that we can use to fight against Spiritual Warfare;.... and this is the only way that we will ever be able to help God defeat our enemies and ensure our Blessings and Protection from Him while we fight, otherwise we will just be in His Way as He Wins this Victory for us."   🙂 🙏 🙏 🙏 

(This Has Been The Simple Truth of Jesus)

The Simple Truth Of Jesus
December 4, 2020
"More Warnings on the Dangers of Accepting The Covid-19 Anti Virus Vaccine"

I was watching a YouTube video today by Melissa of Midnight-Hour-Oil titled ‘WARNING: The Mark of The Beast – Don’t Take it “IN ERROR”!’ 11.9.20 and I was very interested as I had received a warning from the Holy Spirit beforehand on the Covid-19 anti virus vaccine, which I shared in a recent post online called ‘Alert My People of the Coming Vaccine!’ 11.7.20.
In this video Dr. Christiane Northrup explains what is really going on behind the Covid-19 anti virus vaccine. The excerpt is as follows: “There’s never been a vaccine like this before. Its an RNA vaccine. It is what is called a trans infection anti virus vaccine. DNA and RNA vaccines traditionally have the same goal as regular  vaccines, and traditional MMR vaccines but these new vaccines  work in a slightly different way.

Instead of injecting a weakened form of a virus or of a bacteria directly into the body as with a regular traditional MMR vaccine, DNA and RNA vaccines use part of the virus’s own genetic code to stimulate an immune response. Regular traditional MMR vaccines, which expose the body to proteins made by a virus or by bacteria, are often made by using weakened or inactive versions of that virus or bacteria. That’s how popular vaccines, like the measles, mumps, and the rubella (MMR) vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine, work.

When you get the MMR vaccine, for example, your body is introduced to weakened forms of the measles, mumps and rubella viruses that do not cause disease. This triggers an immune response and causes your body to make antibodies like it would with a natural infection. These antibodies help recognize and fight the virus should you be exposed to it later on, helping to prevent you from getting sick. DNA and RNA vaccines are being touted for their cost effectiveness and ability to be developed more quickly than traditional, protein vaccines. Traditional vaccines often rely on actual viruses or viral proteins grown in eggs or cells, and can take years and years to develop. DNA and RNA vaccines, on the other hand, can theoretically be made more readily available because they rely on genetic code – not a live virus or bacteria. This also makes them cheaper to produce.
"The advantage over protein vaccines—in principle, not necessarily in practice—is that if you know what protein you want to end up expressing in the body, it’s very easy to synthesize a messenger RNA and then inject it into people,” Dr. Gennaro says. “Proteins are a little more finicky as molecules, whereas the nucleic acid [DNA and RNA] is a much simpler structure.” But with any health advancement comes potential risk. Gennaro says that with a DNA vaccine, there is always a risk it can cause a permanent change to the cell’s natural DNA sequence.
Chimera: In human beings, a chimera is a creature or a person or a hybrid who has two totally different sets of DNA inside their body. This is an abomination unto God. For God has given humans one form of DNA. His DNA. For we are made in the image of God!!!
Several potential DNA and RNA COVID-19 vaccines are currently in clinical trials right now in 2020, meaning they will be tested and seen as an important and promising area of vaccine development. The RNA anti virus vaccine will fundamentally change people’s DNA……This anti virus vaccine still has the usual non-human DNA that is found in monkeys, pigs but also will house what is found in fetal cells;….but because this vaccine is also mixed with an RNA vaccine it begins to make what is called a chimer (c – h – i – m – e – r) introducing non-human DNA into our bodies. What is worse though is that there is a patented work that they’ve already done at MIT to make a dye within the anti virus vaccine, the dye is called luciferase and under a light you’d be able to see who was vaccinated, and who wasn’t.

And the deal is to store your biometric information inside of your body where the powers that be will be able to read your information by scanners. This is all allowed because this anti virus vaccine will have nano particles, and nano crystalline particles that are actually little robots that have tiny little antenna like technology attached to them – and they will have the ability to read your biometric data – not only your vaccine record, but your breathing, your heart rate, your activity, and any drugs that you maybe taking. Also they can track where you are traveling, and then take that data and store it all in the cloud.”

The Holy Spirit has given many warnings to True Prophets and to True WatchPerson's who have been warning the world over and over again for quite some time. They have been warning us against taking the Covid vaccine when it is released upon an unsuspecting public. For it appears that taking the vaccine for whatever reason would be tantamount to the spiritual death of your spiritual soul. Many individuals who say they will refuse to take the vaccine now;...sadly these same people will take a different stance when they find out they will not be able to hold a job, or participate in many of the aspects of society that they have grown so accustomed to. Like going to school, working, traveling, buying, selling, eating, drinking and just plain surviving in a day to day society, etc;...

Change is coming and when it comes it will come very fast and catch many off guard: This is why there is such a great push to produce this anti virus vaccine ASAP and then inoculate the masses, beginning with the old and the weak and all those who are most susceptible. It will only be a matter of time before my number, and then your number comes up. The Holy Spirit has also given me a message personally about using this time that we have right now to Pary and Prepare;...and to think about not choosing to take the vaccine. (‘You Must Choose Now to Not Take the Mark or the Vaccine‘ posted 8.19.20 online).

Because we as individuals have to determine in our own heart now;...that we will not take the mark of the beast vaccine no matter what. For the day of reckoning is coming soon where many who profess to know Jesus will be persecuted and even put to death for refusing to renounce Jesus and for refusing to voluntarily take the mark of the beast vaccine. Will you be ready to stand in that day? Ask the Holy Spirit for the courage and the fortitude to stand and to persevere. For we cannot rely upon our own strength or our own willpower;... but only upon the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself;...Who has always said in His Word that He would be with us always, and that He will never leave us nor forsake us! For all things are possible through Jesus Christ our Lord....Amen! "Even so come quickly Lord Jesus

November 7, 2020


 My Children, the plumb line has been laid, and as I have taught you all within My Word, you can only have One Master. For a nation divided cannot stand. It is now evident across the world, that the choice has been made where their allegiance lies. And for them, a day of reckoning shall be at hand. For all those who have sinned by the law shall be judged by the law. For those that reject Me and My Truth, They do not receive or discern My Words, and as The Only One Worthy To Judge them - My Word shall be the Just Judge.

 My Children, for the last several years, while the so-called christian church was sleeping, a great evil has been unleashed and has gained great strength. Therefore My Recompense is here, and what the offenders of My Truth have sowed, they shall now reap. For all of those who have sown injustice shall reap calamity after calamity and the rod they wield in fury against you and I shall be broken. Woe unto the inhabitants of the lands who languish in willful sin and who compromise with lies and deception. Truly they shall stand naked before Me, and their shame shall be known to the world as an example of their wickedness. For I shall take vengeance upon all the evildoers of the lands. 

THEREFORE CHOOSE THIS MOMENT WHO YOU SHALL SERVE.!!! For time is no more. Watch as America, (in whom I call Babylon), descends into her destiny! A destiny which has been foretold within My Holy Word for millennia! Watch as her destiny unfolds before your very eyes. "Babylon! O' Babylon is fallen!"

 My Children, Have I not told you the hour is much later than you would know it to be? Do you know hear the warning trumpets sounding across the world. Those who have Spiritual Ears to hear, do you what I have been saying? Those whose Spiritual Eyes are wide open, are you prepared? For unto You My Bride, My Coming as your BrideGroom shall not be a surprise. (Matthew 25:1-13 - The Bridegroom Cometh)

My Children, It has now begun, and with a fury it shall come forth. Prepare accordingly as I lead you. For when the last one of My Wise Virgin Brides is in position, the position that I have already purposed for them, (the transformation of an over-comer, which is always an ongoing process), and the separation of The Wheat from the tares and from My Sheep from the goats, shall be finalized. For You, My First Fruits True Remnant, You shall be the embodiment of My Holy Word upon the earth. Which is a pure Truth, operating under a new and powerful anointing of My Holy Spirit. In here You shall walk in supernatural peace, and with great power and authority, while the world plunges into chaos and further spiritual darkness.

My Children, do not doubt for a moment, that the Great I AM (God), is not always in control. For I shall bring down nations and I shall raise them up. Therefore Watch and Behold what I AM (God Is), about to do! But unto those who are not ready, it shall be as a thief in the night for you! A thief which comes in unaware unto the owner of the house. For there shall be great shock at the sudden, unexpected transformation of My First Group, to all of those who were not watching and waiting for their BrideGroom to come (Same as what happened to the 5 foolish virgins. - Matthew 25:1-13) For they shall soon realize that this removal was but a great mercy on My Part. However, I shall allow an additional opportunity for a choice to be made, for an Eternity with Me, for all of those who still have not heeded all My Previous Warnings. But those who are caught off guard, they shall be left behind in bewilderment, while they remain on earth for further testing, in preparation for the second transformation.

My Children, only then shall they be given another chance to put Me First above all else. and choose to Follow My Path! A Path that shall be very, very difficult to follow during these times. Some shall even have to be martyred for My Namesake, while others shall flee the mark of the beast system where they shall have to rely upon me to protect them, but only for a short time shall they have to be out in the wilderness, only until they have been further tested and refined by Me through Fiery Trials that I shall present unto them to make them Holy and Worthy and Free of Sin. But unto all of you who shall not be prepared for My First Coming;...those of you who find yourselves left to endure, do not despair, for I have made a way where there would appear to be no way, and I shall use My True Chosen Remnant to minister unto you and lead you during this time.

My Children, the Spirit of Truth shall be restored back onto the earth through your testimonies, as you shall perform great exploits in My Name during this time. My Holy Spirit Presence shall be known powerfully and exponentially. And if anyone sincerely cries out to Me in Humble Repentance during these times, My Holy Spirit shall lead you to them, and they shall recognize The Truth you speak to them is of Me.

My Children, during these times My Kingdom shall be evident everywhere. Miracles and manifestations shall occur all across the world. The reality of who I Am (God Is), and My purpose for My Creation shall finally be realized by all who seek out My Truth. Although the transformation of My First Group shall turn some away, and cause further hardening hearts, as the separation becomes larger. Still, more shall come to see the Mercy that I have offered unto the world and a new opportunity to still come unto Me in Thankful Repentance, so in order to be prepared for My Second Transformation, which shall be the second opportunity to be changed from mortal to immortal, before I pour out My Wrath upon the earth.

My Children, the First Group of Over-Comers endured, learned discipline, and persevered through the testing and refining by My Holy Spirit Fire, so that My Holiness and Absolute Humility are the consistent result. For you are in a constant state of cleansing which brings about a further maturing in Me;....and by living this way, you are being moved from Glory to Glory. For You seek Me and only Me above all else, because I Am (God Is), your first love.

 My Children, only this group shall 'know' Me fully as I AM (fully as God), because there has been an inward change within them (a Spiritual Born Again Experience), a circumcision of the heart, and a constant state of daily repentance and surrender unto Me. Therefore many of My True Chosen Remnant have paid the ultimate price for their intimacy with Me and have lost much in the process. For only they are willing to lose everything here on earth to gain Me and My Heavenly Kingdom for Eternity.

Therefore these are the qualifications of My First group of Over-Comers, that distinguishes them from those who have not chosen Me now while there is still time. Therefore My First-Fruits shall rule the nations with a rod of iron as they have come out of the world and surrendered their will and their full identity unto Me, giving Me complete ownership over their Spiritual Souls. Therefore the new name given unto them is a result of the new identity that they assume upon making this conversion, taking upon themselves My Very Holy Spirit Nature, by being 'born again' as a new creation, leaving any association of the physical world and its heritage, and the carnal nature that they were born with behind, leaving all that I have asked them to walk away from to become My Sons and My Daughters of the inheritance of My New Spiritual Covenant. Therefore they shall become My Governing Body and My Governing Council, Joint Heirs, Ruling and Reigning with Me.

My Children, this First Group has overcome by enduring, and maturing through the crucibles of this life in order to achieve a more perfected and eternal life within My Heavenly Kingdom- these are those who are the meek of the earth. For they have put behind them all earthly ties and allegiances to friends and family, giving up earthly citizenship for Heavenly Kingdom citizenship. The only relationships they seek are those that I form with them, through My Holy Spirit, which is Myself joining My True Body together. My First Group Over-Comers give up all of their earthly reputations in order to become My True Bride to whom I have been espoused, for they are keeping their oil lamps full of My Holy Spirit Oil at all times. This does not mean they have reached perfection, but rather, they are working towards the goal of the higher calling with Faith unwavering and without any doubt.

My Children, as I indwell within you through My Holy Spirit, it is your task to restore righteousness upon the earth during these coming times of trials and tribulations, shattering the lies and the delusions that the so-called apostate church has been under for so long, having been separated out from human traditions, rituals, customs and practices, as I manifest My Full Holy Spirit Presence from within your hearts. You shall Be My Faithful unto the end ones! Those who have learned to be disciplined and corrected daily in order to achieve mastery, allowing your Spirit to be Governed by your Holy Spiritual Soul Nature.

My Children, the hour is coming, it is almost here, where those who are My True Worshippers shall worship Me in Spirit and in truth. Therefore set your minds upon all things Heavenly and not upon the physical things of the earth, because all of these earthly things shall be shaken. For I AM (God Is), the only foundation that can stand during times like these and I shall shake until there is nothing left standing that can be shaken. For I AM (God IS), a Consuming Fire!

My Children, Do You Understand What I AM (God Is), Saying? There is no escape from what is now here except for those who are IN ME. For those who love their lives shall lose them. And those who hate life in this world, shall have eternal life with Me. For I AM (God Is), the only HOPE. And no one can stand alone with what has now begun upon the earth. However, Do Not Fear My Beloved, Bride! My Beloved True Remnant. Let My Wisdom be your guide. Keep My Commandments, Stay off the path of the wicked and live.

My people, listen to My Words, listen to what I Am (God Is), saying. Hold My Words deep within your heart, for they are Eternal Life. Keep your hearts pure My Beloved Bride. Watch what you see and what you hear, especially from now forward. Pray to be found worthy to escape all of these things which are to soon come upon the earth, and be ready to stand before your King. TRULY I TELL YOU- I AM (GOD IS), COMING!!!....The Lord Thy God The Messiah Jesus Christ

Scripture References:

"And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end. " Mark 3:24-26

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." 1 Timothy 4:1

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2:15-16