Elizabeth Marie
Lifeline Letters 
PROPHETIC WARNING: The Antichrist and His Beast System Shall Overcome for a Short Time
On 11/12/20 I was awoken to these Words from Gods Holy Spirit:
“It is a trap and a snare, and many people shall be caught unaware, even those who go by My Name (So-called apostate christians).”


[I believe that this Word is in regard to the senatorial elections and also who the future president of the U.S. will be. People are being deceived on so many levels, but they see it not. This is not about the two different parties, but it is about the deception that has already fallen upon the saved and the unsaved alike. The unsaved are so blinded by their devotion to either party, that they fail to see the BIG PICTURE of what is really coming regardless of who is president.

The agenda of the antichrist mark of the beast system will continue to move forward and it cannot be stopped without True belief and Repentance unto The Lord God The Messiah Jesus Christ! The mark of the beast system is rising whether you believe in it or not! The LORD has opened my spiritual eyes to see what is coming..... The only thing True Believers can do is to Pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to give us wisdom and revelation and further understanding and clarity. Remember that we are living in the last days, which is why we are seeing all of these prophetic events unfolding right before our very eyes.


"Keep your eyes forward on My Path of Eternal Life. From here forward, choose carefully every step that you take. I shall go before you and anoint your every step. For much is happening around the world....."and behind CLOSED DOORS"..... There are meetings, secret meetings, behind these "closed doors." The powers that be, they plot on the best way to administer the coming mark, and to make all people, not only compliant, but slaves unto the Beast (the antichrist).

For they hate My Children! They hate all those who call ME LORD, KING and Savior. They consider My Children the true enemy of the state, and this is their challenge on how to eliminate And silence My People once and for all. My Children, understand that you shall be "marginalized," and for a time it shall seem like evil has overcome. But this is only like a seed that has been planted, but then opens up, and produces a great harvest. For nothing can silence My True Presence upon the earth, because all things shall always point back unto Me. Even the rocks call out My Praises if My People do not! For all of creation is of My Handiwork!

My Children, although the enemy tries to counterfeit Me in all things that he does, he always fails miserably! For he shall never have complete control of My Creation or of My People. And just like the "Spirit of Haman" that has swept over the land, his time shall be cut short. Yes, they shall do much harm and carry out their wicked deeds and evil schemes, but only what I allow, based upon disbelief and non-repentance. For I Am (God Is), always in total control of all things!

Therefore My Children, Believe and Repent and be Filled with My Holy Spirit;... and enter into My Gates of Blessings and Protection with thanksgiving, and enter into My Courts of Prayer with Praise! Be over-comers – as this is now entirely possible with the help of My Holy Spirit!...The Lord Thy God The Messiah Jesus Christ

Scripture References:

“I was watching; and the same horn was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them” Daniel 7:21

“He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.” Daniel 7:25

“Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.” Matthew 24:9

“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 12:17

Elizabeth Marie
Lifeline letters
A Message from Jesus in a Time of Chaos and Confusion!
I received this message while praying on November 5th, 2020


"In this great time of chaos, I have rescued for Myself a True Remnant that shall always pray according to My Will. They are those who have walked through the flame of adversity and who have forsaken Me not.  For they have prayed that their eyes shall be opened in the Spiritual to the real battle that is at hand. For this is not a war in the physical, but a war that is raging in the Heavenlies.

My Children, your Prayers are the only thing that shall ever calm the storm -- for the perfect storm is now all around you.  And at this time there is only My Battle Cry unto you to.... PRAY! PRAY! PRAY! And REPENT and to Seek My Face upon bended knees, and better yet, to prostrate yourself before Me. For the more that humble themselves before Me, the more Prayers that I shall answer!

My Children, shall America turn from her  wicked ways like Nineveh and Believe and Repent and Turn Back Unto me?  Or shall she succumb to the evil that is permeating her very soul? For these are her choices! And choices that are heeded now shall determine the outcome of her future. However,  these choices need to be done within the spiritual realm through Prayer and Repentance, for that is where the true war is really being fought right now.

[Then I asked, Lord what should we pray for then;.... and I heard] : PRAY that the wicked ones would be pushed back, for they are like an invasive weed that overtakes a garden. PRAY to be counted worthy to escape all that is coming, so that you shall be able to stand before Me, PRAY that you are Redeemed by My Blood, which is the Blood of The Lamb of God.

My Children, PRAY for the innocent, the lost and the poor and the lonely of heart -- that they shall be strengthened. PRAY for a great outpouring of My Holy Spirit upon all flesh, just like it says in My Holy Word. PRAY for Righteousness, for Truth and for Justice to be brought back to the land of the living. PRAY for a great Spiritual Harvest of Souls to come out of the ashes of suffering and despair. PRAY for My Imminent Return and for Me  to come quickly and swiftly and to have Mercy upon all those who still refuse to Believe and Repent Unto Me.

And unto all of you who have repented;... all of you who have turned from your  wicked ways;... unto all of you who have already sought Me out with all of your heart and with all of your spiritual soul;... I hear your Prayers and your Supplications! I hear you and I shall act! For I shall never leave you nor forsake you, and I shall continue to Bless and to Protect you, for I AM (God Is), always with My Own!

Therefore Let all circumstances go;... Follow ME! Do not let your heart be troubled, for I AM (God Is), with you, even unto the end of the age and beyond!!! I AM YOUR SAVIOR, I AM YOUR BRIDEGROOM, I AM THE LIVING GOD, I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END, THE FIRST AND THE LAST, I AM THE ONE AND ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, I AM THE NAME ABOVE EVERY OTHER NAME, I AM THE LORD THY GOD THE MESSIAH JESUS CHRIST.

[I kept on praying and then I heard this:]  "Is your spiritual soul weary? Then drink from My Spiritual Fountain of Life! Are you sad and discouraged? Then bring that burden unto Me and let Me lift it off of your shoulders! Are you sick and hurting?  Call out to Me and let Me direct you during your time of pain -- For I shall heal you in many ways! Are you downcast? Let Me lift you up out of your sorrow and despair! And unto all of you who know My Truth - - let My Truth set you free! Declare your Freedom from the rooftops and reject any and all captivity, for I have come to set all prisoners free from the bondage of sin and eternal death!"

[Then the message continued:]  "BE A LIGHT SHINING IN THE DARKNESS. For this is not the time to fear, but a time for your light to be shining bright for Me. This time shall be the greatest opportunity for all of you to be My True Witnesses. How wonderfully glorious is this thought? How wonderfully glorious is this Truth? This is not a day of sadness --- No! It is a day to rejoice in the many opportunities that you have now been given, for I shall pour out My Holy Spirit upon you and you shall now Prophesy for Me! Therefore let the anointing flow from you out unto others -- do not hold back - -but share! For you were meant for such a time as this My Beloved! THEREFORE REJOICE IN ME,  now and forever! For this is the time, this is the place! For this is no time, like any other! Amen and Amen."....... END OF MESSAGE


Scripture References:


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
November 11, 2020
"Believe And Repent America!"


"Woe unto you America, for your pride has reached up to Heaven. You say within your hearts “We will not be destroyed, we are the best and the strongest nation on the earth.” But I say unto you, "Your destruction is coming swiftly, and you shall not be able to stop it. You shall even pray and beg Me to protect this country but I shall not hear it. For you seek humanity to save you and think that you shall be delivered by your wicked rulers, all the while your heart is indeed far from me, as you take pleasure in the things of this world and have no remorse for the perversion or the wickedness within your midst's."

"You go unto your buildings made by humans thinking that I AM (God Is),  dwelling in there yet have I not said that within your Spiritual Soul lies the temple of the Holy Spirit. You increase your materials, and you rob people for your own gain, and yet you say “Look it is the Lords work being done.” You make your own kingdoms with stumbling blocks in your congregations and then push away the ones that are truly seeking The Truth. You turn away the True Prophets that I send and say;... "We do not listen to them because we do not know them, or where they come from." Just as Israel in times past would reject My True Prophets that I would send unto them and now so do you. Yet you worship false prophets and say unto yourselves;... "Look here and listen to these ones, because we know them and they speak great and encouraging things that tickle our ears!!!"

"Yet not many days from now when calamity strikes, you shall not find them among you and indeed you shall seek a word from My True Prophets, but you shall not be able to look in the right direction for you are under the "Strong Delusion". For all of your false prophets and your lying ministers of the flesh, prophesying lies upon lies  are about to be brought down from their high places. Who shall give you smooth words that are a comfort to your ears then? You reject My Commandments, you reject My True Prophets and you reject Me. Yet here I Am (God Is), and no one shall stop My Judgement? For I Judge with a Righteous Pure Judgement."

"America, your nation shall be cut down and your enemies shall plunder this land. The birds are circling over you even now as I speak,  ready to devour all flesh. Repent, Turn Away from your wickedness and from your spiritual adultery and from the idolatry within your hearts. Return unto your First Love (Jesus Christ), and Trust In Me, and in Me Alone With All Your Heart and I shall Protect You as I Protected My Remnant in Israel by marking the heads of all of those who were contrite and remorseful for the wickedness within the land was rampant. America, There is no escape from what is coming unto your nation, your only safety shall be in Me and in no other. Abide in the shadow of My Wings and I shall Bless and Protect you."

"Do not say in your heart, we shall not be defeated! We shall pick up arms and fight! For I have already declared that unto those who live by the sword, they shall die by the sword. Shall you be found fighting against Me even in My Judgment? No one can save you, only I the King of kings and Lord of lords can save you. For My Heavenly Kingdom is not of this world and I AM (God Is), coming to rule and crush the kingdoms of this world;...  but you America, you are the most wicked of them all. Full of abominations, adultery, pride, and every perversion possible even within the congregation of the apostate body of My church".

"My True Remnant, My True Prophets, and My True People know My Voice and they shall follow Me wherever I lead them. But unto you unbeliever! Believe! Repent now, and turn from the kingdom of this world! Turn from building your own kingdom! Turn from trusting in the wicked rulers of your land;... for I see what they do in secret and I have had My True Remnant and My True Prophets yelling their secrets from the rooftops to a stubborn and stiff-necked nation, yet you choose to deny My Truth and instead you choose to believe in a lie! Again I say;... "Believe! And Repent now before it is too late! For the day of your judgment is now at hand!!!

Scripture References:

Psalms 91, Matthew 26:52 and Ezekiel 9:6 (King James Version)

"Words From The Lord Regarding The End Times That Shall Soon Be Upon America"


Looking down upon the earth, I see four ships, they are sitting upon the seas, each one positioned in the North, South, East and West. They have huge guns pointed at the United States of America. I hear;... "The time has not yet come." Then my focus is placed upon a vast Angelic Army! They are all dressed completely in battle armor! I see the flashing of lightning everywhere, there is war in both The Heavens and war upon the earth. Then I hear;.. "I Am The Lord Thy God, nothing can stand against My Fierce Anger. America, you have refused to believe and to repent! You laugh and you scoff and you say where is your God now? And where is the promise of His Coming?"

"America, now you shall see where I Am (God Is)! Now you shall know that I AM God and that I do as I please. For now there shall be seven years, the likes of which you have never seen before. Cry, scream, and wail out to Me in Belief, Prayer and Repentance, and I shall hear you and I shall bring you unto Myself, for I AM always waiting for the Humble, the Meek, the Sincere, the Thankful and the Repentful, sayeth the Lord."

"For I AM (God Is), shaking this nation like dust and debris being shaken off a rug. America, you have not heeded to My Pleas or My Warnings for Repentance, therefore I AM (God Is),  turning them over to the dark desires of their hearts. A human king they want then a human king they shall receive. For your hearts America are turned far from Me, for you desire a human to save you over The One True God!"

"Therefore you have chosen your own fate and no-one shall be able to come to your rescue, except Me. America your false king is on his way back to you; to reign again;.. but this time he is coming unto you as your savior and you shall put all of your trust in him and you shall perish. Many unbeliever's and unrepentant shall be lost unto eternal damnation for their desire to believe in a lie and for their choice to deny My Truth!!"

"America, My Desire is to not loose one soul. Therefore return unto Me oh perverse and stubborn generation and I shall Forgive you, and I shall Heal you and your nation! Remember I was your First Love. I was your Heart’s First Desire. I Was In You and You Were In Me! And you were a beacon unto all of the other nations!! But how far O' Babylon have you fallen from My Grace and from My Blessing's and Protection! So far;... that you  you have been given up to a reprobate mind set, where only a small True Remnant is left! FOR THE FLOOD GATES HAVE BEEN OPENED AND THE DAM HAS BEEN BROKEN AND THE FLOODS OF PERSECUTION ARE FLOODING IN! FOR WHEN THEY PEACE & SAFETY, THEN SUDDEN DISASTER SHALL STRIKE!"

"Prepare for My Coming My Beloved, for I shall soon be coming for My Own! Storms, both physical and spiritual are coming! Be prepared! Put on the Full Armor of God! Prepare, Prepare, Prepare! For much Spiritual Darkness is coming! Be ready when the Lights go out! Yet unto My True Believer's, those who are  filled with My Holy Spirit, you shall have light! Therefore do not take your eyes off of Me! Pray and Fast and be of good cheer. For I have already overcome the world. Have I not said this numerous times already, that in My Love and Mercy I have raised up and sent forth My True Prophets. For it is My True Watchmen that have I placed upon the wall, blowing My Trumpet with out ceasing. Therefore Believe and Repent and Turn Back Unto Me!"

"America, you have REJECTED ME, therefore you are a cesspool of sin before me, descended into the pit. Where only iniquity abounds and abominations are as sand upon your shores. O' how Babylon the great has fallen. Has fallen. She holds of every foul spirit and is like the cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Woe unto you America. Distracted, Deceived. Bound, fattened by the bread of lies;.. and then led unto your slaughter."

"America you have been beguiled. The love of many has waxed cold. How blind so many American's are now. How rampant sin is all over the earth. Humanity has fallen so far from Me, so very far. Few are they whom cry out for My Grace, or for My Mercy. Few are they whom worship Me in Spirit and in Truth. How grieved I AM. How angry I AM. How My Heart is pierced without ceasing! Without conviction! Where only oblivion now  abounds. A divided dwelling place are you America. Yet a house divided can not stand. Divided in county and divided within yourselves. All nations whom forget this, All nations whom Reject Me (whom reject God), are turned into hell."

"America is now nothing more than hell before Me and screams out for even more. Evil believes that it is winning, but it is not! Yet I AM (God Is), not losing either. For I AM (God Is), upon My Throne and it is only I Whom Reigns. Yet I have allowed this gross spiritual darkness to descend upon this nation, because of this generation whom has REJECTED Me. I have allowed this for their disbelief and for their refusal to Repent unto Me! Therefore only more of My Judgement shall this nation receive. For I AM (God Is), the light of the world. Yet when a nation rejects Me as America has rejected Me, then spiritual darkness shall cover the people, and the land." 

"For Only I Am (God Is), the One True Light. Is not both the light and darkness both alike to Me? Is it not for My Purposes that shall I do all of these things. When shall you O' humanity learn, and cry out for My Spiritual Salvation for your Eternal Immortal Spiritual Soul? For I have waited so long for you to come unto Me, yet so few do."

"Instead My relenting Fire has come. Yea, it is already here. For fire moves humanity. Fire refines!. Therefore much descending fire shall fall upon a nation whom has REJECTED Me. Yet unto all whom Love Me, Unto My True Believer's I say unto you;... "Fear not. For it is My Good Pleasure to give unto you My Heavenly Kingdom. For in you I Am (God Is), well pleased. For unto all whom have harkened, warned and have stood among the mockery and scorn, of the wicked;...warning of all that has passed and what is to come, great are your rewards. Great I say."

"For blessed are you whom are persecuted for Righteousness sake, for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven. The world hates Me and therefore is in enmity with you as well. For you shall be hated for My Namesake. You shall be mocked and ridiculed as was I before humanity. Some of you have given your all for Me, yea even your lives. Laying them down, offering them up unto Me as a Living Vessel for My Holy Spirit to dwell in. Mine you are. Some have even gone to the slaughter. Mine are you too. For I AM The Only Way. The Only Truth. And The Only Eternal Life. To live forever in Me (Jesus Christ), and to die for Me, is gain. For whomever I set Spiritually Free is Spiritually Free indeed."

"My Children, your prayers for your lost loved ones, I have heard and I have answered. I shall have a Holy People unto Myself. A Clean House, Undefiled and Pure. But America is on the path of destruction. For I have set you there oh nation whom has fallen. You are so defiled and filled with filth before Me . I vomit you out and hand you over into captivity. Woe unto you America. Woe unto you FOR YOU HAVE REJECTED THE ONE TRUE GOD. How deceived are the multitudes? How deceived are you? Babylon has fallen. Babylon is Burning and her smoke shall be seen unto all of the nations of the world! Woe unto America for her hour has come. Reap what ye have sown America. Destruction. Death. A sorrowful and Godless generation, the final generation before Me upon the earth. Blind are the multitudes thereof. The whole earth looks nothing like Me. A reflection of satan is now what it has become. Humanity has come undone."

"America cries, "Where is this promise of His Coming. All things are exactly the same. Nothing has changed! Everything is as it was before, and we ourselves without God shall make it return to even greater than it was before. Yet even though the whole of My Creation has changed!!! I AM (God Is), still the same, Yesterday, Today and Forever. Faithful and True I AM (God Is)! For I AM THE LORD God. I AM. I shall reveal all that ye have known not. Watch and Look up, for when it appears as just another uneventful day upon the earth. You shall be Changed in an Instant. For I have prepared a place for you that where I AM, ye may be also. This shall be the Resurrection of My Glory for Life Eternal. Where the Desires Of Your Heart and Beyond; and  all that you could hope for shall be. This is Good. Good for all whom Love Me! All whom are in Me!...The Lord Thy God The Messiah Jesus Christ