Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
Ignited Church
May 27, 2020
"America Prepare For My Next Judgment, Because Your Calm Before The Storm Is Over"
(Words From The Lord God Jesus Christ) Transcript:
America I have now spoken but you shall not listen! You are unteachable, proud, arrogant and stiff necked and you still have not yet learned your lesson! Even the stench of disease and death is not enough to wake you up. Therefore I must have you run another lap, and allow you to travel even further into the bondage of your sin, and farther into your wilderness of discontent, where only judgment shall be your close companion. Many who call themselves by My Name (so-called Christians), shall ask, Why must we run another lap? For you have forsaken My Chastening! My Callings and My Wooings! Instead your golden calves and your idols of worship speak in place of your praise and they reveal whom you truly worship! Therefore you shall experience a tightening of My Grip and you shall know that I Am (God is), alive! I say unto you now America Fear Not Humanity, But Fear The One Who Created Humanity!

The squeeze upon you in pressure that you are now feeling is building! But this pressure that you are now feeling is only the beginning! For you have refused My Callings and My Warnings, therefore My Judgments are at your door! America do not look to your left or to your right for your deliverance, because there is not a political solution, nor an entity that can save you other than Me, because you have already crossed that line of no return! America the end game is upon you and you are out of time! For you have now entered into what is known as My Time, and therefore the next move shall be mine, and it shall be My Word, that shall now come alive and you shall see with your own eyes, what My True Prophets have declared and all that which I have said, shall now come to pass! Ohh America and the nations of the world, had you only Believed and Repented, I would have prolonged your days, but now you must endure maximum pressure. For now your day has finally come! For now your account is overdrawn and your payment is past due! America your time for reckoning, and your time for receiving your reward for the iniquity that you have sown, and for the iniquity that you have heaped up for this day, has finally come!
America today I shall require of you! Today I shall reap what is mine;..Justice and Mercy;...Grace and Judgment! These are the things that I shall give unto a nation that has gone astray and I shall not Relent, and I shall not remove My Judgments until My Word is fulfilled. For no amount of sackcloth and ashes shall turn My Hand away from it's course and no solemn feast shall stay the execution of My Plans for you America. For it is already written and thus it shall be fulfilled! America I have called, but you shall not answer! I have been patient and long suffering, but you have been rebellious! My Warning Bells have been ringing and you have not heard My Clarion Call. America what more shall I do? For the hour or your demise is now at hand! America let it be known unto you that when a nation rejects My Heavenly Kingdom, then Hell shall come down unto you and you shall reap it's whirlwind! For the retribution of your rebellion is at hand! But do you really care? No! Not yet! But shall you care when the covers of your false protection are pulled back and your nakedness is revealed! Yes, then you shall care, but by then, it shall be too late!

America the time to abide in Me is now! the time to abide within the shadow of My Protection is now! For this plague is only the first wave and it too shall soon pass over you, but now would be the time to abide in Me, now, before the second wave passes your way. America I AM The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and The End, and all that I have said shall surely come to pass. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that I AM (God is), Lord of All. Now unto the body of My church, My Bride acts as though I delay My Return! She is refusing to make herself ready! She refuses to walk with Me in Holiness! But I say unto the apostate church this day, your purification is coming and your cleansing shall soon arrive! For soon I shall open My Seals and also one day, My Wrath, and we shall see who shall stand during the Days of My Judgment! For only they who have clean hands and clean hearts, only those who have made themselves ready, through Me, from the bondage of the world, and only those who cling unto Me no matter the times at hand shall I Bless and Protect! For My True Sheep know My Voice and My True Bride knows her Bride Groom! America it is midnight! Your light has gone out and you refuse to trim your wick, nor do you allow Me to fill your lamps with My Holy Spirit Oil! The nations that used to be drawn unto your light have now instead turned away from your stench! America your salt has lost it's savor and your beauty has turned to ashes, but ohh how I would have restored you, but you would not hearken unto Me, and instead you chose to shun My True Prophets and blaspheme My Holy Name! America prepare for war! Prepare for defeat! For I tell you this day, that I shall come quickly, sooner than you think and with Me shall be My Reward! Unto My True Children, I say;..."Do not be shaken for I have already Overcome The World", and unto the un-believing, un-repentant I say;.."PREPARE FOR MY NEXT JUDGMENT COMES SOONER THAN YOU THINK"!.....The Lord Thy God The Messiah Jesus Christ
The Simple Truth
Warrior4Jesus June 12, 2020 “God’s Judgment Shall Be The New Normal” The New Normal ONE WORLD GLOBAL “GESARA” ORDER AGENDA narrative is really being pushed throughout America by The Deep State Liberal Left Democratic Swamp Cabal now more so than ever before! They are using their control over the mainstream media as well as social media to push their propaganda in full force now and it is all in conjunction with their Jade Helm, Agenda 21, (Bill Gates Corona Virus Pandemic Simulation In 2019 called:), Event 201, and their Agenda 2030 plans for Depopulation and total Global Control over Government, Currency and Religion and it will all be put in place to control and manipulate what’s left of the Population. Whereby bring America under A One World Global Government, A One World Global Digital Currency and A One World Global Satanic Pagan Religious System. (For Jesus say's in The Holy Bible, that you are either with Him or against Him";...so all of those who do not Believe in Jesus and His Truth's, are against Him and on the devil's side, whether they believe in God or the devil or not!) Right now if you turn on any Radio, TV, Phone, Laptop or Computer, you will see and hear The Deep State Liberal Left Democratic Swamp Cabal's Media’s speak about nothing else except their lies declaring that Many More Thousand's of CoronaCovid-19 Virus Cases are being reported everyday, and that another Wave of CoronaCovid-19 Virus, as well as other Worse Virus’s and Pandemic’s are also coming soon and how these Virus’s and Pandemic’s are Never Going To Go Away, but how they will now Be With Us Forever and for us to believe in this as Our New Normal. You will also almost always hear them speak constantly about Police Brutality, Military Injustice, Racism, Riots, Protests, State Of Emergencies, Martial Law, Abortion Rights, Gun Control Legislature, Islamic Sympathy, Sharia Law, Homosexuality Sympathy, Transgenderism Sympathy and, Pedophilia Sympathy, (Where you will constantly hear them pushing their agendas that Homosexuals, Transgenders and Pedophiles should all be allowed to marry and adopt and raise children, while at the same time their media will constantly bash, belittle, berate and push for the destruction of what used to be called The Normal Average Middle Class American Family and what also used to be known as The American Dream). The Deep State Liberal Left Democratic Swamp Cabal are also pushing the narrative that Mandatory Lock Downs, Quarantines, Face Masks, Testings, Vaccines and Contact Tracing is not only now necessary, but permanent, and that it is here to stay forever, and that we should just start getting used to it, because this will be “The New Normal” from now on, both across America and throughout the world! The Deep State Liberal Left Democratic Swamp Cabal will never stop with their Global GESARA Agenda, particularly because they have been having great success with it and also because they are now right smack in the middle of initiating their climatic stages of Global Domination! Why would they stop now? They would be foolish to stop now, especially when most of the world is ignorantly blinded and foolishly deluded that The Deep State Liberal Left Democratic Swamp Global Cabal even exists, much less has a One World Global “GESARA” Order Agenda! One that they have been pursuing for, well in America’s case, for over 243 years! Also now that more than half of America and half of the world are either in on it or at least condone it, or even worse, because they simply just don’t care, they will do absolutely nothing to try and stop all of this from happening! Even though Patriots like President Trump, and Q have been trying for the last few years or so, to not only stop this Global Agenda but they against much opposition, have also been trying to warn Americans about it, and because of them hundreds of millions of people have now been awakened to the Truth of what is really going on in regards to the Truth of this Globalist Agenda, and their planned destruction of not only The American Dream, but of The American Way of Life and the destruction of America as an Economic Super Power, while alerting us all to the goals of The Deep State Liberal Left Democratic Swamp Cabal and their agenda to depopulate America and to re-distribute America’s wealth into their own Global Corporations, whereby enslaving Americans under their Global Corporate Rule eliminating what was once known as American Hegemony and American Sovereignty! What can we do about it! Absolutely Nothing, it’s far too late for protests or for lobbying or for voting to do anything about it! Riots will only cause Fear, Panic and Civil Unrest! Civil Unrest will only lead to State Of Emergencies and Martial Law will lead to the Military being called in and when the Military is called in and deployed all across America eventually this will lead to a Civil War, which then will lead to United Nation Foreign Troops/Soldiers being called in and they have no problem whatsoever with shooting American Citizens if our own Military won't! When the Military gets deployed a Second American Civil War will definitely ensue! (Will Americans storm the Police and Sheriff Departments, the FBI, DEA, CIA, FEMA, NSA, and Secret Service organizations and over run our capital buildings and overthrow the government?) No we will not, we are much to divided against each other to ever organize and unite to take back our country! We will only protest, riot, loot and then burn down our own neighborhoods and businesses and torture, rape and kill each other, because that is what happens to a country every time they turn their backs on the ONE TRUE GOD “JESUS CHRIST”! YES! This is what we will do because we are ignorantly and foolishly blinded by hatred and sin! And this is what happens to a country when they remove God, Prayer, Morals, The Holy Bible and The Truth Of The 10 Commandments out of the country! These things that our forefathers inlaid into our Constitution and into our Bill of rights so that this exact scenario would never take place! This is what happens when we elect godless, wicked, evil, satanic people into office to rule over our country! This is what happens when we allow ourselves to be manipulated by foreigners who have infiltrated all of our schools, churches, universities and every position of government within our country! This is what happens to a country when we allow ourselves to be subverted by lies and propaganda from outside foreign sources, all in the name of Political Correctness and Globalism! Watch now as the world plunges into Chaos and Destruction! World War 3 is the only thing that we should be expecting now, and when it comes it will come on all fronts, but first Civil War must come to America, and only then when we are at our most divided and at our weakest, will our enemies, Russia, China, Iran, Syria and all of Islam, along with every country we have ever wronged, some of these countries will either join in with Russia, China, Iran and Syria and all of Islam and attack us when we are down or they will sit idly by and watch and do nothing as America Burns and Falls! Why is this happening to America? Because God is Allowing It! Why is God Allowing this to happen? God Is Allowing it because America’s sins are an abomination unto him and America is far worse than Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah and Rome ever were and they were pretty godless and evil! God is Allowing this to happen to America because He can no longer bless or protect America when almost all of American’s no longer believe in Him! God say’s that everything is happening according to plan, He gave us years of warnings and chances to BELIEVE, REPENT AND TO TURN BACK TO HIM AND TO STOP DELIBERATELY SINNING BUT WE REFUSE TO DO SO AND THEREFORE WE HAVE ONLY BROUGHT JUDGMENT UPON OURSELVES AND UPON OUR NATION INSTEAD OF HIS BLESSINGS AND PROTECTION BECAUSE OF OUR OWN FAILURE TO BELIEVE IN HIM AND TO REPENT UNTO THE LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST! God say’s AMERICA SHALL NOW "REAP WHAT IT HAS SOWN”, WHICH IS SIN AND DESTRUCTION”. BELIEVE, PRAY AND REPENT DAILY UNTO THE LORD GOD THE MESSIAH JESUS CHRIST BECAUSE AT THIS POINT ALL ELSE IS FUTILE!....Taylor James Ray III The Simple Truth 2020: https://thesimpletruthofjesus.blogspot.com/?fbclid=IwAR1YnppGSlG2CMLmUDwziEkrnvkB8tcwgnxxLVCUl3ovo5zWCHlmL7KUDuwPastor Benjamin Faircloth
Ignited Church May 27, 2020 "America You Are Blinded By Dark Powers" (Words From The Lord God Jesus Christ) Transcript: America you are blinded to the facts and you cannot discern what is really going on across your nation today because you have not My Holy Spirit within you. Your transformation into Babylon has begun and your new ruler awaits his return and soon you shall see evidence with your own eyes that you have been deceived from the start, still many shall never believe this to be the Truth and shall be lost forever. However those who have spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear, those who are filled with My Holy Spirit, shall know what The Great Babylon is! What Mystery Babylon is! And who the anti-christ and the false prophet shall be. Do not be decieved for whatsoever a nation sows, that is what it shall reap! My Children, the son of perdition (the anti-christ), is coming sooner than most people think, the stage is being set and all of the actors are now in place. Gross spiritual darkness is now covering the earth where unbelievers and the unrepentant are under "The Strong Delusion". Very soon the devil, the great deceiver who has already been cast out of Heaven shall appear as an angel of light unto you and deceive many. Woe unto all who are deceived by him and by his fallen spirits (demons). Woe unto all those who follow after these dark entities and these dark spiritual powers for your end shall be measured and you shall be judged acordingly, and I The One True God shall be justified, for I AM (God Is), Perfect and Just. For I have warned and warned for many years and therefore My Own Words shall be My Witness against all who stand against Me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxnAmwPn104 Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 22 (King James Version)
Julie Whedbee Behold I come June 8, 2020 "STAND FIRM MY CHILDREN NO MATTER WHAT YOU HEAR OR SEE" Transcript: My Daughter, write to My people. The battle in the heavenlies rages and many will be destroyed for lack of knowledge. I have made truth available to all who truly seek it, but few have found the narrow way that leads to eternal life. The dark kingdom furiously attempts to corrupt every aspect of your life now, and the poison they spew pollutes and permeates ever so deeper, as satan knows his time is growing shorter each day. The chaos and confusion that is ongoing has been planned all along, and many are being swept up by the tides of evil and corruption, perversion, greed and deception. Truly, you are to trust nothing and no one, unless I reveal unto you that they are of Me. I have instructed you during this season to be very circumspect, diligent in prayer, disciplined, sober minded and focused only upon Me. Foundations are crumbling and world systems are spiraling out of control. The stage is now set for the second beast to take his place as ruler of all. For he shall now perform the things that his dark father has taught him, and he shall appear powerful, mighty and benevolent, and indisputable in his objectives to solve the world's greatest problems through peace at first, but this is only "The Strong Delusion". For the portals of hell have opened and many of the things occurring now are fueled by a great release of demons of dark forces. Their numbers are significant, but still they are of no effect against My True Holy Remnant Army. Therefore My Soldiers you must remember to pray aggressively and often.Speaking My Scriptures over and over, declaring your positions and claiming My Power and My Authority over all manner of evil, and they shall flee from you. My Storehouses of Blessing's and Protection's shall flood all of those who walk in their full inheritance of My Holy Spirit, as you become My True sons and daughters of Heaven. Pray My Children to engage more and more with Me and to have My Angelic Realm assist you, to fight for you, to protect you, and in some situations, to lead you to the places that I have already prepared for you. My Children, Do not get caught up in worldly affairs or current events, for they are only sent to draw you away from Me. I told you that all of these things would happen and It is now here. Why do you act surprised? For Civil Unrest shall only escalate from this point on. Soon, godless places all around the world shall be out of control, and the next phase of the enemy's plan shall soon begin. For it is all pre-planned. Remember My Daughter that I have told you that you have very little time to prepare;... til the second wave;... till the next phase begins. So seek Me with all of your heart and Repent unto me and Wait'... for My Individual Instructions, for if they are truly from Me unto you;...then they shall bring you peace when there is no peace, so wait upon Me. Unto My Remnant Army, your position is to divinely occupy and remain in complete surrender and obedience and to be very sensitive to My Holy Spirit, and to be ready to leap out in Faith when I call you too. The escalation of all things comes soon so get your spiritual house in order. Nothing else matters as much as this does. Remove yourselves from anyone and from anything that does not Glorify Me for there is so much at stake to lose. And just as I have always promised unto you, follow My instructions and obey My commandments and you shall have a peace and a joy that can only come from MY Understanding, as all around you is being destroyed. And remember that fear shall have no place in you, as long as you Keep Me First In Your Life, and all that you require shall be added unto you, no matter what the external circumstances appear to be. For I make My Abode in all of those who Love Me. My Children, Pray for My Wisdom, Pray for My Knowledge, Pray for My Discernment, Pray for My Revelation and Pray for The Full Measure Of My Faith that is promised unto you through you Belief and Repentance unto Me. For this is the time for My People to rise up in Great Faith and to Stand Firm no matter what you see. Pray to be emptied of your sins several times a day now, repenting and readying yourself for My Full Holy Spirit Indwelling. For I shall only come to an emptied vessel, one who has purged the stains of their sins repeatedly and daily. One that is in a state of Holiness through what I did upon the cross and not by any of their own good works. For I require Holiness through Me and Obedience Unto My Word to Reward All of Those who walk in My Footsteps. My Beloved, I have shown you the way. Now Walk In It. Give Me Your All, and You Shall Have All of Me, for time is being sped up and it is being compressed right now, but in the favor of My People. So do not worry when you think you have left things unfinished. Do what you can do with The Grace That I Give Unto You Each And Every Day! Do what you can do with the Mercy that you have left with you and leave the rest up to Me and remember My Love;...I have you in The Palm of My Hand, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper. When you see those who have not fully surrendered unto Me start to become further agitated, distressed, angry and rebellious. Remember this must be, because darkness and light cannot dwell together within the same temple! Remember that I shall continue to harden the hearts of those who do not want to walk in My Truth, those who do not want to walk in My Commandments. For when doors to the enemy have not been completely closed, the poison that comes through both the eyes and the ears shall fester and spread, causing the soul to be further separated from My Heart. My Daughter I wish this was not so, but all must make a choice using their Free Will to either Serve Me or to serve satan. This is a profoundly simple choice once fully recognized, but many have been blinded and deceived and are falling under "The Strong Delusion" that must come forth due to unbelief and unrepentance. Always continue to pray for the lost, that the eyes of their understanding would be opened to receive My Truth before it is too late. The day is far spent My Beloved. Night is already upon you.. Pray for My Light to flood every fiber of your being, and watch what I shall do. For I shall do something in your days that you could never imagine or believe to happen, even if it were told to you beforehand! I LOVE YOU!....The Lord Thy God The Messiah Jesus Christ Scripture References (King James Version): "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." Hosea 4:6 "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:14 "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." Revelation 12:12 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8 "Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19 "Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Malachi 3:10 "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." Psalm 91:11-12 "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you." Philippians 4:7-9 "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9