"Be Filled With Gods Holy Spirit! Believe And Repent Unto Jesus Christ, For This Is The Only Way For Any Soul To Ever Make It Into Heaven After Their Physical Flesh And Blood Body Dies!"

March 12, 2019
The Simple Truth
"Be Filled With Gods Holy Spirit! Believe And Repent Unto Jesus Christ, For This Is The Only Way For Any Soul To Ever Make It Into Heaven After Their Physical Flesh And Blood Body Dies!"


The Simple Truth is everyone is full of sin, from the time that we are born onto this earth, up until the time that we all die, we are all full of sin. The bottom line is that God will never allow any sin whatsoever into Heaven! AND NO ONE can ever be forgiven of their sins if they do not Repent, and there is only one God that we are to Repent unto, and that is unto The Lord God Jesus Christ.

So if you do not Believe in and Trust in and have all of your Faith in Jesus Christ, then your flesh and blood body will eventually physically die and it will die full of sin, and therefore your Eternal Spiritual Soul Will Never Pass The Test Of Why You Were Put Here Inside Of Your Physical Flesh And Blood Body, Upon This Earth In The First Place. Then Your Spiritual Soul Will Reap Nothing But Eternal Death and Separation From The Lord Thy God Forever.

It is just that plain and simple to understand. However, most human minds and intellect tend to over think this concept because they do not use the Holy Spirit Image Of God that is inside of them, which is stored inside of their Spiritual Soul. They try to understand this spiritual concept using only their human psyche and human intelligence, when Jesus Himself told us plainly that we must be Spiritually Reborn first, in order to comprehend His Very Simple Concepts Of Truth. This is why many people, even some of vast intelligence always fail to find the Truth of God and His plan of Spiritual Salvation for our Immortal Eternal Spiritual Soul. They are using their own physical mind and intelligence and they are not using their Holy Spirit Filled Spiritual Intellect that God has created within them.

They do not call it a Born Again Christian Experience for no reason. When a person puts off their physical mind and intellect and starts to Believe and Think with their Spiritual Mind and Intellect, the entire world and the Truth of God and His plan of Spiritual Salvation for our Immortal Eternal Spiritual Soul then takes on a whole new meaning and concept. Once a person has a Spiritual Experience with the Image of God that they are made in, the Holy Spirit within them, begins to reveal things to them with a whole new enlightening that all of a sudden begins to makes sense to them.

This is why God speaks to us about people in the Holy Bible as once being blind, but now they see. Same as is written in the beautiful song called, Amazing Grace;.."I once was lost, but now I'm found, I was blind but now I see", because now this person realizes that is is only through Belief and Repentance unto Jesus Christ, as well as it is only by His Grace and Mercy that we will ever be found worthy enough to be forgiven of all of the sin that we have attached onto our Spiritual Soul and onto our Intentions since we were born. Belief and Repentance unto the Simple Truth of Jesus is also the only way that we will ever be able to be welcomed into the Spiritual Kingdom of Heaven after we physically die.

You see it is only through Gods Holy Spirit within us that we will ever be able to discern and understand any of Gods Truths, and without being fully baptized is His Holy Spirit then we will never be able to fully understand what Gods plan for us in this life Truly is. This is why God puts such a heavy emphasis on why it is so vital to pray for the desire to seek out Gods Truth. We must sincerely and humbly and wholeheartedly pray and ask God to give us the desire to seek out the Truth of His Holy Spirit within us, for if we do not, then we will never find that Truth, which is none other than a Personal Spiritual Relationship with Jesus Christ, who is none other than God Himself. "Seek The Truth (Jesus Christ), and This Truth (Jesus Christ), Shall Set You (Our Spiritual Soul) Free";..."And ye shall know the Truth (Jesus), and the Truth (Jesus) shall make you free". John 8:32

Scripture References:
"For all have sinned, and shall fall short of the glory of God". Romans 3:23

"Neither is there salvation in any other name except through Jesus Christ our Lord: for there is none other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we could be saved". Acts 4:12

"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit in-corruption". 1 Corinthians 15:50

"And I, brethren, I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but only as unto carnal, for you are only as unto babes in Christ". 1 Corinthians 3:1

"Pray that the Holy Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon you, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD". Isaiah 11:2